Get Home Safe powered by LifeSpot
It seems like every time you turn on the news, there are more and more reports of mass shootings, attacks, or other threats, often times in schools, places of worship, government offices, etc.
While we hope no one ever finds themselves in active threat situations like these, if you do, we want you to be prepared. On Technology Partners' Get Home Safe project, powered by LifeSpot, helps solve critical active threat challenges with a life-saving app.
Imagine using an app to help decrease emergency response times, provide the approximate threat location to all users of the app, share locations of injured victims to emergency responders with the press of a button, and even account for yourself and others within the app, following the threat.
CONTACT US TODAY to learn more about this empowering and life-saving app and how you can use it at your school, place of worship, business, or institution/organization to help you and others Get Home Safe.
Call 216-920-3100, email, or sign up below for more details and information.
Take our Active Threat Assessment - it's free!
If a threat entered your building today, are you ready to respond?
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